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A.C.E. Curriculum

Christian schools around the world use the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) program in the training of their children. The A.C.E. programconsists of Bible-based K–12 curriculum, student programs, and professional training. Although other publishers have marketed academic curriculum, no one has produced a life-changing character package like that of A.C.E. Children’s minds develop best in a God-centered environment of absolutes and love. They emerge with a sweet attitude and with a greater, richer concept of God and how He wants them to live.

Why the A.C.E. Program Works

A.C.E.'s PACE (Packet of Acelerated Christian Education) system has been tried and proven to be very effective in providing all the basic academic disciplines as well as instilling Godly character into the lives of students. The reasons why the A.C.E. program works can be summarized in these Seven Key Foundational Concepts:

Integration of Biblical Principles (Scripture memory, wisdom principles)

Godly Character Training (A.C.E. characters, 90 character traits of Christ)

Mastery-Based Learning

Built-In Reinforced System of Learning

Individualized Learning

Development of Critical Thinking Skills


With these foundational concepts being used now for over 50 years around the world, it is understandable why A.C.E. is known as THE learning tool for today—and the future!

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